[GAP Forum] Summer School on GAP in Algebraic Research, Aachen, Nov 19 - 22, 2018
Sergio Siccha
2018-08-07 13:45:16 UTC
Dear All,

This is the first announcement for a summer school on the topic of
„GAP in Algebraic Research“. It will take place from 19 - 22 November
2018 in Aachen.

Its aim is to give an overview over the research software available
in GAP. The speakers will present their areas of research, the
functionality that is available to investigate these areas
computationally, and guide participants to familiarize themselves
with these tools during the accompanying programming lab sessions.
We aim to do 2 hours of programming lab session for each 1.5 hours of
lecture time.

No prior computational experience is needed. Alexander Konovalov will
give a GAP tutorial at the beginning of the summer school.

The speakers are:
- Jan de Beule (Brussels), "Finite Geometry in GAP"
- Alexander Hulpke (Fort Collins), "Group Homomorphisms in GAP:
Connecting and (De)composing Groups"
- Alexander Konovalov (St. Andrews), "Programming with GAP"
- Sebastian Posur (Siegen), "The CAP Project: Category Theory in
Computer Algebra"
- Madeleine Whybrow (Kaiserslautern), TBA
- Wilf Wilson (Halle), TBA

We invite advanced students, PhD students and PostDocs to participate
and have 16 places available with funding for accommodation.
Note that you will have to cover for your travel expenses yourselves.

The deadline for registration is the 31st October. To register visit

We would appreciate it if you forward this email to your students and

Best regards,
Sergio Siccha
