[GAP Forum] (no subject)
zohreh sayanjali
2018-10-13 14:27:15 UTC
In my new research study I need the character tables of a simple group
$^2D_8(2)$ and for that I was trying to find a reference and in this regard
I came across a reference "Character degrees and their multiplicities for
some groups of Lie type of rank < 9" with the link address
»Frank.Luebeck/Chev/DegMult, 2005". Unfortunately, I could not find the
character degrees of the group in that reference.

I sent an email to the author, but I have not received an answer from
him, yet. I wonder if you can help me to find out the irreducible character
degrees of $^2D_8(2)$. Can you give me a reference for finding the degrees
of irreducible characters of $^2D_8(2)$?
I would really appreciate your help.
