[GAP Forum] Summer School on Logic and Algorithms in Group Theory, Bonn, 10-14 September
Eamonn O'Brien
2018-03-24 04:09:51 UTC
Dear Colleagues:

A program entitled "Logic and Algorithms in Group Theory" will run from
September - December 2018 at the Hausdorff Research Institute for
Mathematics in Bonn.

One component is a "summer school" aimed at PhD students and post-docs.
It will run from 10-14 September.
Each of the following will give a short course of lectures.

* Maurice Chiodo (Cambridge) Undecidability in groups
* Gerhard Hiss (Aachen) Representation theory for groups of Lie type
* Derek Holt (Warwick)  Algorithms for finitely-presented groups
* Dugald Macpherson (Leeds) Pseudofinite groups
* Andreas Thom (Dresden) Stability and Invariant Random Subgroups

Some funding is available to support participation.

Closing date for application to participate is May 15. The online
application form is available at:

We would appreciate if you draw this event to the attention of your
students and postdocs.

Thanks for your assistance.
Eamonn O'Brien
Eamonn O'Brien
2018-05-01 08:20:46 UTC
Dear Colleagues:

A program entitled "Logic and Algorithms in Group Theory" will run from
September - December 2018 at the Hausdorff Research Institute for
Mathematics in Bonn.

One component is a "summer school" aimed at PhD students and post-docs.
It will run from 10-14 September.
Each of the following will give a short course of lectures.

* Maurice Chiodo (Cambridge) Undecidability in groups
* Gerhard Hiss (Aachen) Representation theory for groups of Lie type
* Derek Holt (Warwick)  Algorithms for finitely-presented groups
* Dugald Macpherson (Leeds) Pseudofinite groups
* Andreas Thom (Dresden) Stability and Invariant Random Subgroups

Some funding is available to support participation.

Closing date for application to participate is May 15. The online
application form is available at:

We would appreciate if you draw this event to the attention of your
students and postdocs.

Thanks for your assistance.
Eamonn O'Brien
