[GAP Forum] 2. Announcement: CAP Days 2018
Sebastian Gutsche
2018-08-02 11:41:04 UTC
Dear all,

we would like to remind you about our CAP workshop, which will take place in
Siegen from August 28 to August 31, 2018:


The workshop aims at mathematicians who want to learn about the CAP project,
categorical programming, and structuring implementations in a categorical
way. The workshop is suitable for both GAP newcomers and veteran GAP

CAP (Categories, Algorithms, Programming) is a software project for
constructive category theory written in GAP. It facilitates both the
realization of specific instances of categories and the implementation of
generic categorical algorithms.

The workshop is split in three parts:

On the first day, several CAP users give talks about their work, and how
have incorporated CAP in their work. The first talk of the day will
be an overview about the CAP project and some of its capabilities.

On the second day it is possible to participate in a CAP tutorial, where the
first steps of organizing code with CAP and implementing a category in
CAP will
be explained, along with examples and exercises. Furthermore, available
categories in CAP will be demonstrated. The tutorial is especially suitable
for newcomers. No deep knowledge of category theory is expected.

On the third and fourth day there will be a coding sprint. Participants are
welcome to form groups and work on projects of their interest. Help for
CAP and implementing categories in CAP is available all the time.

For the detailed program see

If you want to come to the CAP Days, you can register on the website:

Best regards,
Sebastian Gutsche & Sebastian Posur
